
Breaking my Mental Health Silence

“You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to what happens to you.”

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Ducks or fighter jets?

When you’re getting ready for a launch, like a book or workshop or new project, what do you call it? “Getting your ducks in a row” or “Getting your fighter jets ready for take-off”? Over the last couple of months, I’ve been preparing for a new launch for my business, and when I’ve said out…

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What Golden Gear do you need to turn your plan into a success?

Until now, I’ve concentrated on where you are, what you want and why you want it. These aspects relate to yourself or the individuals who make up a team, department or business. They form a solid foundation for what comes next, because up to this point, I haven’t even mentioned how on earth you’re going…

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Are you living the life you really want?

We talk about “living the dream” – but is this possible? My dream is that I’ll be a renowned global speaker and the other week that’s what I was working towards as I was living the dream speaking in Madrid, empowering people to get the life they want to live. Closer to home, I spoke…

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“Motivation doesn’t really work!”

These are the shocking words I heard Professor Steve Peters (author of the Chimp Paradox) use on a recent podcast I was listening to (The diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett). Now, to clarify, he did then continue to explain his comment by stating that you need more than motivation; like commitment, dedication, devotion…

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Summer break?

Do you switch off from your business during the Summer months, in fact is it even possible? If you do take a break, do you find yourself thinking about work more, and feeling more stressed because you’re taking a break?! Taking a break is important and lets us focus on what’s next and generate new…

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Who’s in your Golden Gang?

Who do you surround yourself with? It’s all about mixing with the right people…having the right people around you who are supportive and of a positive mindset, the right golden gang (as I would call it). Working towards your GOLD can be a long journey and no doubt there will be new experiences along the…

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Do you get what you give, in business and in life?

In a broad sense, yes; in business, you can get what you give. Treating others with respect, honesty, and fairness can help build strong relationships, create trust, and lead to more positive outcomes in the long run. For me there is a cross over between work and my hobby as a Scouts volunteer. I often speak at…

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How do you find your GOLD?

Once you know what your GOLD is (Goal, Opportunity, Love, Dream), how do you find it? Whatever you want to achieve – big or small, momentous or maybe a little frivolous – and whether it’s a personal goal, a business target or a dream of happiness and security for your family, you need to be able…

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Find your Golden Soul

Why do you do what you do? What’s your “why”?  Why are you working towards your GOLD ?(Goal, Opportunity, Love, Dream). Knowing the emotion behind your GOLD is strongly connected to knowing your purpose or your why.  If you put emotion behind your goal, then this will create energy and motion; if you know deep down why…

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