Summer break?


Do you switch off from your business during the Summer months, in fact is it even possible?

If you do take a break, do you find yourself thinking about work more, and feeling more stressed because you’re taking a break?!

Taking a break is important and lets us focus on what’s next and generate new ideas, and obviously spend time doing something different and spending it with people we love.

For me, I like to combine the two, making the most of the summer weather but still keeping the business moving forward. Having a change of scenery but spending some time working – it’s great having the flexibility. My plan for a week this summer is to visit Bristol area and a few lidos (outside swimming pools), while doing some work by the pool-side.

What about you, are you able to switch off completely and relax or is it more stressful not being fully in control?

10 Top Tips for taking a summer break

  1. Make sure everybody you’re with understands and accepts the working holiday plan.
  2. Check that the wifi will be good if you need it.
  3. Automate responses – set up an out-of-office email response and voicemail message with alternative contact for urgent matters.
  4. Ergonomics – is there a desk available for you?
  5. Be strict on the plan – plan what part of the day you’re going to work in.
  6. Disconnect digitally – minimise screen time during your break and limit social media.
  7. Enjoy your break – take the time to relax, unwind, returning to your business with renewed energy and perspective.
  8. A good business book is always a great “plan B” if you’re struggling with equipment and connections.
  9. Set realistic expectations – communicate response times and availability during your break.
  10. Do what you love, whether it’s reading by the pool, hiking, sightseeing or spending quality time with loved ones.

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