Who’s in your Golden Gang?

Who do you surround yourself with?

It’s all about mixing with the right people…having the right people around you who are supportive and of a positive mindset, the right golden gang (as I would call it).

Working towards your GOLD can be a long journey and no doubt there will be new experiences along the way and new learnings that you’ll have to take on board and deal with. The sooner you realise that you need help, the better.

In my business, I have a chart on the wall that lists who I have in my golden gang and also who I want to have. For me to get to where I want to be, my GOLD, then I’ve already envisioned who’s on my team.

It’s important to me that my golden gang understand the journey that we’re on together – for them to know what my GOLD is and just as importantly what my golden soul is.

10 Top Tips for finding your Golden Gang

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