Follow up to Lancashire

I loved sharing my story at the Women’s Business Network Lancashire last night. For me to inspire others is what I love to do and if you want any help in any way to work towards your goal or build up resilience just give me a shout. As I mentioned my goal achieving workshop has…

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Thank you Acosta Europe

Just a quick message to say thank you for having me on Monday at Acosta Europe online zoom conference. As a way of a ‘mingling’ after the event I would like to offer the opportunity for people to connect with me and maybe chat or ask questions. Maybe I can help you further? If you…

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Team Judge

Cliff Hewson, OhSo Creative

Recently I have signed up with an accountancy called ‘Freedom in Numbers’ Welcome Hannah Adams and Simon Adams to ‘Team Judge’ Also a website designer called ‘OhSo Creative’ Welcome Cliff Hewson to ‘Team Judge’

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Prize time

Steve Judge Book

To win the prize of a free ticket to my book launch party all you have to do is show me evidence of your purchase (by means of a screen grab etc) and post it on social media with the ‘hash-tag’ #dontleanonyourexcuses in the text. From there I will randomly pick 5 winners who will…

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Autocratic or Passive?

The difference between telling people what to do…or just advising. Because I care  The editing process goes on and I find that in certain stories from my journey I’ve been inclined to patronise the reader. I may do this in the form of a message or even describing something in great detail presuming that the…

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How to get a new logo for your business.

My old logo had passed it’s use by date and it was time to move on. I eventually set the wheels in motion with the help of my friends, colleagues and expert graphic designer Natalie Rowe from ‘Gosh Golly’. Watch the video to see the process steps and the final result.  

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