Do you use a fork AND a knife when writing a book?

Steve Judge sitting down to eat a book

“I don’t need to use my knife Dad…I can just eat my food using my fork” my kids say. “But you need to use your knife as well.”I say to them. They look at me and ask “Why?” The answer…because that’s what you do, that’s what is ‘accepted’. Writing a book and the way you…

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When a Dream Becomes a Reality

          Dream it, think it, visualise it, make it happen and touch it. Enough is Enough Every single chapter has been edited by myself. Reading through every single piece of text and updating or changing or perfecting. Reading and re reading and then the same again. Enough is enough and I’m…

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Coaching or Mentoring – Informing or Advising

  The difference between telling people what to do and advising  The editing process of my book goes on and I find that in certain stories from my journey I’ve been inclined to patronise the reader. I may do this in the form of a message or even describing something in great detail presuming that…

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Autocratic or Passive?

The difference between telling people what to do…or just advising.         Because I care  The editing process goes on and I find that in certain stories from my journey I’ve been inclined to patronise the reader. I may do this in the form of a message or even describing something in great…

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Leave, Modify or Delete?

The editing process is going fairly well as I’m already up to chapter 10 after about three weeks of editing where it did take me about six months to initially type. I’m impatient which is why this is sometimes frustrating for me but at times I just need a break and let the book be…

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These shoes are made for…talking?

Who’s shoes are you wearing? How do you make sure that what you’re doing for someone else is actually what they want?     Story streamline Editing is going well and I’m throwing myself into it as I’m impatient about getting others to read it…but not just quite yet. Going through the chapters there are…

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How do you make your book smaller?

Does editing really reduce your book size? Back to where it all began Over the last period I have taken myself all the way back to the start of my book to begin the editing process. I’ve been in mixed feelings about this part. Many people say it’s the hardest bit and really time consuming…

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Man Vs Machine

When typing, who’s in control? You or your computer.         Four in One So just before I submit my chapter 14 to Karen and Sheryl from Librotas as well as my Mum and girlfriend Jo I always go through and do a quick edit. This was a particularly long chapter and…

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Are you crazy!!? You know this will all end in tears!

When was the last time you did something in defiance of others telling you not to?   Sweet Memories So it is said that you only really remember two emotions, happiness and sadness. You can probably remember the last time that you broke down in tears or the last time you had a real belly…

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Countdown Conundrum

If you had a pause button for the rest of the world…when would YOU press it?         Times up! Don’t you just hate it when you run out of time? You’ve done really well to repel the procrastination and get rid of the excuses. You’ve managed to secure some time to do…

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