Writing humour with smiles and sadness with tears?

Writing humour with smiles and sadness with tears?
I have struggled for time to dedicate to the book writing over the last week due to running my business as a motivational speaker. I also find it harder to type in the day time as there are things going on. The slightest distraction can send me off on a tangent. I will find the best time to do the book and get into a routine.
I was great to receive my edited feedback from Karen Williams and Sheryl Ann Andrews from Librotas – Book Mentoring and Publishing and a great achievement for me was that there were not as many big changes as expected.
I have some good days coming up where I can dedicate a lot of time to typing so I’m going to finish chapter two and move on to chapter three.

The stories within the chapter are starting to create structure which is good. Some of them may be too long but I’m open to feedback. I feel that the story, emotion and messages come out nicely. There is also some humour there which is great as this period of the book is filled with trauma.
My friend Emma Sutton (speaker and author) gave me the advice that if you want to have humour in your book then write when you’re happy. I guess the same is when you are angry and sad. Is this true? What are your top tips on getting true emotion in your book?

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