A Night of Awards – 14th November 2011

Recovery from the Evil Duathlon has been hard work as I’ve been shattered but training has continued including my second session on the WATT bike where carried out a 6 second test, a 10 second test and a 3 minute test. The results will help as a bench mark for my progress on the bike and my new technique. Apart from training the main event this week was the BTF awards dinner held down in Leicester. This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the success of triathlon and fellow triathletes as well as having a lavish night out. During the evening I was nominated and won Male Paratriathlete of the year which makes me exceptionally proud as it is voted for by fellow triathletes who I have got to know year by year and relate, understand and admire the commitment and enthusiasm they have for the sport.

You know you’re a triathlete when:
You have enough pairs of old running shoes in your cupboard, you could open a shoe store

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