An Evil Challenge to Finish the year – 6th November 2011

Well, initial recovery from the 10 10 10 (10K) and then back into training including swimming as my shoulder injury is (dare I say it) beginning not to ‘niggle’ as much. The boring physio will continue though until complete recovery. Meeting held with Jonathon Riall the BTF Programme Manager to discuss my goals and targets for the future and what coaching and help I had and needed. The meeting was great (could have talked all day) and some good advice and guidance came out of it. Sunday and I took part in a duathlon run bike run called the Evil Sheriff of Nottingham…it was Evil. Good fast 5K, tough bike course where my shoulders ached from holding on to dear life and then the final 3.6K run where every hill felt like a mountain. I gave everything and days later I’m still recovering! My Son and Nephew completed the 2K run, my Wife Ruth did the 5K and my brother completed the 10K run and won!!! Proud of everybody from the Judge family.
You know you’re a triathlete when:
You often show up to work in the morning with goggle imprints round your eyes.

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