New year…Ready steady go! – 8th January 2012

The new year has begun and training is a constant that forms the time. My shoulder injury is still present and I have contacted my physio about the next stage of action whatever that may be. It is hard to keep on doing the physio which is boring especially when it has no effect and takes my time away from other exercises that I could be doing. With the new year underway I now have a coach who will be taking me through the year. Various feelings on this as I’m used to setting my own training plan and keeping it flexible with my work and family life. However with good communication I should be able to keep the flexibility and have an all together ‘clever’ training plan that will tune me into competing better and more efficiently. With the coach (Bob Pringle) setting the plan for me to train to this should also take away work from me as to what session to do when. I’m looking forward to it. Westfield Duathlon on Sunday and the swim was quicker for me as well as the run finishing a good half a minute quicker…maybe I should stick more to my Christmas diet over the next couple of months!
You know you’re a triathlete when:
The one “suit” you own has ORCA on the chest.

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