Exerted, Exhausted…but excellent – 26th January 2012

Busy week this week with an addition of track training on a Tuesday night which makes it a long day for me but is really beneficial for my speed. On top of the increase in training I did a cross country at the weekend for Killamarsh Kestrels which was awesome. Avery windy day but good turnout starting for me as a comfortable start and then an slow process of picking off the runners in front of me one by one which continued all the way upto the end which amazed me although the final guy that was in front I couldn’t quite take and he beat me by a shoulder. This is good as it keeps me wanting more and to be even faster and not to be complacent although I am very pleased with my performance, endurance and fitness.
Absolutely knackered for the rest of the day though but just about ok by end of Monday. Cross countries are always hard to compare with regards time but the same course last year with similar conditions took me 5 minutes longer to do last year than this year!
I had to miss track training this week and also missed my turbo training session due to unforeseen circumstances so this week is going down as a recovery week.
You know you’re atriathlete when:
You have enough pairs of old running shoes sitting in your closet to open your own shoe store.

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