It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to!


What compromises have you had to make in your life or business?

In the last week I have blitzed chapter ten and pretty much finished it. It was a nice one to write as it was a very positive and uplifting one. There is excitement and humour in it, Writing about the first time I ran again was very emotional and there were tears.


“You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. But when you get it back…Wow”


The tears were different from other times in the book. The tears were of joy and accomplishment but also mixed with an essence of anger and impatience.

The stories flowed throughout the chapter but once again there were too many and once again the chapter is a big one.

Give me a reason.

I understand that some of this detail and text will have to be edited out later and that is going to be so hard. I’ve typed it for a reason so I will need an even better reason to remove it.


It could be YOU! 

I understand the reason will be around the book and the reader, not me! I will have to start thinking of who I would like to help me by reading my book and giving me feedback. (If YOU are interested please send me your contact details and I’ll put your name on the list)

It’s MY book and I’ll type what I want to.

It’s strange because it IS my book and I CAN do what I want however I want this book to be amazing, incredible and fantastic. To make that happen I need to listen to advice from others.


Karen and Sheryl from Librotas ( )   have the knowledge and experience and I trust them to give me sound advice. It’ll be interesting to listen to the points raised by other readers on how my book can be improved. Their reasoning and justification.


…keep on writing…

The sooner I get to the editing stage the better but until then, I’ve just got to write the book, chapter by chapter, story by story…by story.


The next couple of chapters may take some time as I will be writing about races. I want to find specific information on them but will also have to decide how much detail I put into the race. Every race is different for me but to the reader it will be ‘just another triathlon race’. I’m going to have to find the balance.

What about you?

What compromises have you made in your business? Have you subdued your creativity or changed plans and ideas for the sake of clients?

Have you had to delete text from the book you are writing?

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