Business or Hobby, why do you do what you do?

You have a goal, work towards your goal.

Another really good week last week with the writing. Asking my book coaches from Librotas ( ) to request my chapters on certain dates has really helped. The accountability for me is essential.



My chapter eight was getting too long and so I had to finish it and start chapter nine. This again asks the question, how many chapters are there going to be and how many books could there be?


I feel that every story that I type about is relevant but I guess that decision may have to be up to other people.


I changed my routine last week to get the chapters completed. It totally means a sacrifice but no regrets. This change will only be for a certain amount of time while I push the typing of the book.


“We all have time, it’s how you cultivate your time as to what you achieve.”

 My morning routine has been dropped which is where I ‘work on my business’ as well as visualisations and planning. Instead, I’ve got up early and started typing. I love it but there is a ‘niggle’ in the back of my head because not only do I love my morning routine but it has helped me greatly in running my business and my life. However, I have to see this book as part of my business, this will help and already is. Memories are coming back to me and reasons of why I do what I do.

  • The need to achieve.
  • The need to do things.
  • The need to push myself.

Writing this book is not a hobby, it is not just another way of expressing myself!

This book is my business and will help people, inspire others and motivate many.


Over the next week I’m looking forward to prioritising more time to my book writing quest. The chapters coming up are about achievement in triathlon events and they are exciting and ‘full throttle’. I hope I don’t feel too guilty typing about exercise rather than physically doing the exercise!

So what about you? Do you work to live or live to work. If your writing a book is it for business or a hobby. Ultimately, do you love what you do.

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