Is coincidence Luck, Perception or something…deeper?

Early on in the week I was up at the crack of dawn and sat at my computer typing away. I’ve managed to complete chapter ten and submit it to Karen and Sheryl from Librotas. The chapter was a delight to write as it was about finding my first paratriathlon race. It’s a lovely chapter full of amazing coincidences and stories of luck.


Sweet Memories

I’ve mentioned before how the memories come back to you when you delve into your past but I want to share one with you. It was my first triathlon race since I had been told that I may never walk again. The race day coincided with the anniversary date that my father passed away eleven years ago (6th June). I wished that he could have been there to see me. As I registered for the race I was given the number 11. It felt that he was not just going to be there but was going to be with me every step of the way.


A brighter Life

When these memories come back to you it’s like your life has become brighter and more complete. To recall memories, moments and information energisers your brain and wellbeing. There are other moments that have resurfaced and at the moment they are all lovely and positive. I know there will be some tough times ahead in the coming chapters.


Impatience Fuels the Passion

Juggling work, home life and being an elite athlete was very hard and the memories that I will recall may be rather hard hitting. The rest of the week has been busy and hard to fit in typing time but my impatience and passion will be channeled to help me. I’m even typing while waiting in line at the hairdressers.


Your Biggest Coincidence?

The chapter is full of coincidences but I joke about not believing in them and then another one happens. My ‘Top Five’ for the chapter is ‘coincidences’ and it got me thinking of what the BIGGEST coincidences in my life are so far. So the question is to you. What is the biggest coincidence in your life?..feel free to share.

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