If music be the food of ‘writing’, play on.

What music do you listen to when working or writing?


In the last week I have finally finished the ultimate chapter six. This has been a big thing for me because I guess it symbolises a few things. I am finally coming out of the dark place and into the light, the more happier times. Emotionally this is good but also its means that I may even be half way. I’m not too sure as this book seems to grow every time I type.

A Blast from the past

I’m including ‘flashbacks’ from the past of when I was younger and to help me remember I’ve been playing some old music that I recorded from the charts. I not only helps me to reminisce but it makes me smile how I’ve recoded the DJ introducing the next song in the sequence.

Free Stuff… 

Now that I have this new skill of writing I am putting together an ebook which will help people to achieve their goals. It will be a free give away and will include excerpts from  the book. Certain stories that explain how I managed to achieve my goals. The ebook will help people as well as promote my actual autobiography and even be a prototype for my future business book.

 Music, music, music

I was away at the weekend running a Cub Scout Camp so writing took a ‘back seat’. I’m aware that is not just giving myself time but I need to give myself the right time. I have recently downloaded some relaxing music that I play in the background. This is my ‘Book Writing’ music and helps me get into the zone of writing. The music is from the pianists Volker Bertelmann and Dustin O’Halloran  and was used in the film ‘Lion’. The music is all instrumental and not only does it help me to write but also in the future when I hear the music it will remind me of this momentous time of writing my book.

It makes me wonder what other people do. Do you listen to certain music when working or writing?

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