A book without text?

I had a really good session last week where I worked on the structure of the book and copied all of the notes over from the Librotas VIP day (Karen Williams and Sheryl Ann Andrews ) with sheets onto the computer.

The computer set up is working fine now but more than that the thought process of how to write the stories is coming together. There is still not much progression or routine and I’m wondering how the new writing will fit into the structure without it reading too much like a report.
I’m a visual person but it has been good to move the big work sheets over the computer so that I can feel organised. I also have my white board available and cleared ready for any notes that I need to put up.
I have not started typing anything new yet which is a shame. I still need to sort and edit text already written before I type anything new.

I still haven’t established a routine which is bad
In the next 7 days I will actually type something new as I need to see progress and move forward. I also commit to doing something on my book everyday to get my ‘habit’ started and eventually a routine.

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