The tool that I used to get me through lockdown.


Life is very much down to choices. Even when you can’t control things that are happening to you, you can control how you react to those things.

I visioned myself after lockdown and I liked what I saw. The next the next thing was to work towards it. Forming new habits and routine in a primary tool for me to succeed and so I got straight to it with a paper chart on a clipboard and a pen. (Sounds geeky but it works)

Waking up at five thirty, reading and then floor exercises was my everyday start. Then some visualisation, words of affirmation and a plan of what I wanted to achieve in the day. Next I went downstairs and completed twenty minutes on the rowing machine before doing a Facebook live with the ‘quote of the day’.

This is one of my most popular ones:

I completed this routine for a solid 117 days which was a challenges especially as I had optimistically thought that the lockdown would only last about 6 weeks!!!

By the end of this period of time I had got down to my ideal weight and toned up with the ability to do a hundred press ups all in one. I had read several books and moved forward in my business. More importantly through the corona-coaster ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ of the lockdown I had survived. My routine helped me and at times it dragged me through and out of some very dark times. 

So I admit I did drink a little more and maybe I ate a little more unhealthily but overall I think I can tick the ‘hunk’ category…haha. So surely I can celebrate that achievement,  right?

How did you do? What coping strategies did you use to get you through the dark times. It would be lovely to know and share.

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