Don’t ‘Tell’ the reader how you feel…describe it.

What’s your revelation of how you speak or write to someone? How can you express yourself authentically just by using a different technique?


Quality not Quantity

While writing my book I’ve discovered that it’s very much about quality and not quantity. I wish I could type all day long and produce thousands of words but I also have a business to run.


It’s also not that easy because I still having to go back into myself from 15 years ago and work out how I felt.

 “Why didn’t I want to tell them that I was disabled when I went for a job interview?”

I suddenly realise how important things are and so a sentence expands out to a couple of paragraphs.

I’m also still typing and editing and rewriting so it really can be one word forward and two words back.



It’s great when I have a breakthrough! I initially typed:

“I felt confident but nervous waiting in reception for the interview”. I read it and thought that I could do better so I changed it to “I stood there tall with sweaty palms in reception waiting for the interview”. Only a slight change but a lot more descriptive.

The solution is to not use the word ‘feel’ when writing but instead describe it.

I felt happy


A smile spread across my face

I felt sad


My head dropped as my eyes welled up.

It gives the reader an opportunity for them to paint the picture and understand the feeling that I’m expressing.


All about Priorities

I love the typing and producing text, its just about being able to prioritise it over my other jobs and tasks and running my business as a motivational speaker. The added complication is that I don’t like to just have a ‘stab at it’. I want to choose the moment and this gets a bit restrictive.

I think my plan will be to increase the priority of the book to a higher level to get it going again.

What this means is that I will have to make some sacrifices. I’ve only got 24 hours in the day so it’s how I cultivate my time as to what I achieve.

As long as I get my writing style correct then I will be more efficient when I come to the editing part. But what about you. What’s your revelation of how you speak or write to someone? How do you express yourself authentically just by using a different technique?

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