One small step for man, one giant leap for the NHS

Taking time to thank the unsung heroes of the NHS, so let’s thank ALL of the NHS, not just the astronauts! If the NHS did moon landings… “One small step for man, one giant leap for the NHS” I think we all run the risk of forgetting all those involved, for big as well as…

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8 steps that beat the back-to-work blues by enabling you to ride the ‘Wave of Resilience’

Help back to work

Going back to work after a break is always a daunting experience, even more so when it’s a break such as the Covid 19 pandemic has forced. It’s been epic in how it’s been disruptive along with many changes and even adversity. Going back to work in a face to face environment we may encounter a backlog of work, new targets or systems, or looming deadlines – alongside all the usual criticism, office politics and pressures from our personal lives.

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Reach Your GOLD Time 2019

The first thing Mark asked me to do was to start logging the time that I spend on my business in half hour slots. I guess you could do this for time spent in your whole day if you wanted to. I split my time up into three sections: Time in my business Time on…

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Reach Your GOLD Jan 2019

stepping up, moving forward’ Running through walls Keep moving forward My reputation comes from my character Steps to strides to flight The title is obviously so important but also I need the title to clarify what picture I use for my book cover. Any ideas, no matter how bizarre please send them to me for…

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Coaching or Mentoring – Informing or Advising

  The difference between telling people what to do and advising  The editing process of my book goes on and I find that in certain stories from my journey I’ve been inclined to patronise the reader. I may do this in the form of a message or even describing something in great detail presuming that…

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Autocratic or Passive?

The difference between telling people what to do…or just advising.         Because I care  The editing process goes on and I find that in certain stories from my journey I’ve been inclined to patronise the reader. I may do this in the form of a message or even describing something in great…

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Man Vs Machine

When typing, who’s in control? You or your computer.         Four in One So just before I submit my chapter 14 to Karen and Sheryl from Librotas as well as my Mum and girlfriend Jo I always go through and do a quick edit. This was a particularly long chapter and…

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Are you crazy!!? You know this will all end in tears!

When was the last time you did something in defiance of others telling you not to?   Sweet Memories So it is said that you only really remember two emotions, happiness and sadness. You can probably remember the last time that you broke down in tears or the last time you had a real belly…

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Are some things better left forgotten?

Going deeper than counselling itself? What drastic action have you taken to bring out your true authenticity?       When the going gets tough So I’ve started work on the next chapter which is provisionally called ‘A Tough Year’. It’s not all about training and international competition as it also goes into  depth about…

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