A frosty bite for outside training – 6th February 2012

A week of hard training with adverse weather conditions resulting in running in snow and cycling on my turbo trainer in the snow outside. Swim sessions were good with a PB (which is always nice) for 1500m. A time of 29.30 which is amazing. Always a slight doubt on the number of lengths but even if I was 2 short it would still be a PB. I have learnt the advantage of drafting but half of the distance I was leading. Very happy, very impressed and very shattered. Planet X sponsorship has finaly come through of 30% off first bike and 10% after that. It is not as good as I wanted but it is better than nothing. I’m also trying to sort out a hospital appointment for my shoulder so fingers crossed that will be sooner rather than later. Running in the snow was awesome and made me glad to be alive and glad to be able to run, it is something that still goes through my mind when I run (since the accident) and so I will always state it in my blog.

You know you’re a triathlete when:
You immediately bow down before someone with the Ironman “m dot” tattoo.

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