1st February 2013

Well the last week has been very up and down due to the snow, then a possible infection in my leg and then having a thick cold. I’ve had two days off work and over a week off proper training. It’s very hard for me to do nothing and rest and I’m constantly making lists of things I will do when I’m better. During this period I have carried out two inspirational talks at schools. Birkhill Infant School and Eckington Junior school. Both were very well accepted and I got some fantastic feedback. Maybe the fact that I was a bit ill and also the fact that I had just been through my story of recovery but when I showed my NEW video I was having to fight back the tears. It is an emotional journey that I have been on and in some respects I feel that I have reached a climax. The other side of me wants to get better and get out training again and win some more medals. I’ve been thinking about this hard as you can have dips when you feel tired or can’t be bothered or even complacent. With all of these in mind I have sourced new music for my ipod and will be more open with my goals for the year and be willing to share them a bit more so that I can see and hear them and then I can be working towards them each and every day. Some of this is the over training of last year and some is just the winter, either way it’s time to get going again. Let’s see how this goes.

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