10 Top Tips for finding your Golden Gang

  1. Define your GOLD – knowing your goals will help you connect with people who share similar interests.
  2. Who will help you on the commencement of your journey?
  3. Who will give you constructive feedback on areas that need work?
  4. Who will be your cheerleader for your golden vision?
  5. Explore different networks – there are lots of places you can connect with people related to your interests.
  6. Who will give you the street talking and hard facts that you need to hear?
  7. Use social media – engaging with these platforms will help you connect with like minded individuals.
  8. Find people who align with your values, interests and aspirations.
  9. What new members would lift you up to the next level?
  10. Stay true to yourself, be open to new experiences and embrace the journey of finding your Golden Gang.